Alternative Investing: Cryptocurrencies
Last month in an interview with Bloomberg TV, BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink said the following when asked about cryptocurrencies: "Related to cryptocurrencies, I'm a big believer in the potential of what a cryptocurrency can do. You see huge opportunities, but what we're talking about today, it's much more of a speculative platform, people are speculating on it." Fink added that thus far, his firm hasn't seen much interest from clients beyond "some speculative stuff" "We're being asked that question but it's more of a venture capital type of interchange, but we're not hearing clients say 'we want to use this as an asset class', " he said. Diversification is fundamental to the risk management of a portfolio. Regardless of your age and risk tolerance, you should always look to diversify your investments so that they are as uncorrelated as possible. For example, even if you are a fresh out of...